"Exotic" Preparedness Ideas

Many ideas and activities just might come in handy in extreme disaster situations.  However, these undertakings may require a substantial amount of effort, financial input, or maintenance to keep them going.  However, they may also provide some ongoing fringe benefits.  Some of you would call these hobbies.  (Some of you would call them a waste of time.)  I call them "exotic" preparedness ideas.  Let me know what you think and if you have any experience with these.

  • Keeping chickens (goats, sheep, cows, horses, and other livestock, etc.)
  • Keeping bees (which seems to me a whole different animal. Pun intended.)
  • Making maple syrup (and sorghum molasses, etc.)
  • Working on old cars (engines, tractors, and generators, etc.)
  • Sewing (weaving, spinning, knitting, and leather work, etc.)
  • Growing a garden (herbs, stevia, mushrooms, and fruit trees, etc.)
  • Making your own bread (cheese and beer, etc.)
  • Making your own bacon (ham, sausages, beef jerky, and a few canned vegetables, etc.)
  • Composting (for your garden, for the environment, and for your health, etc.)
  • Generating electricity (to save money, to save the earth, and to save your skin, etc.)
  • Blacksmithing (silversmithing, goldsmithing, and you get the idea, etc.)
  • Making your own soap (baby food, dairy products, and toys, etc.)
  • Catching your own dinner (fish, squirrel, deer and pheasant, etc.)

I think of my life like a Bingo card and I'm playing "blackout."  I'd love to try every one of these at least once, and I plan to try many of them again.  (I have to count my childhood experiences to mark many of these off my Bingo card.)  Which ones interest you?

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